Leonardo Ignacio Martínez Sandoval

- Mathematical Researcher
- Python Coder
- Advocate of Problem-Solving

Coding Portfolio

Here you can find a list of some coding and web projects I have worked on.

My favorite combination for webapp development is Flask as backend and Bootstrap as frontend.

Flask Development

Matemáticas a Distancia

A webapp for learning undergraduate mathematics

Project Link 🔗

Python, Flask, FlaskSQLAlchemy, FlaskWTForms, FlaskLogin, HTML, CSS, JS
APMO Website

The official website of the Asian Pacific Mathematical Olympiad

GitHub Link 🔗 Project Link 🔗

Python, Flask, pandas, Matplotlib, Bootstrap
Personal academic webpage

A webapp for dynamically showing academic achievements (this page)

GitHub Link 🔗 Project Link 🔗

Python, Flask, FlaskSQLAlchemy, HTML, CSS, JS

A webapp for sharing LaTeX content online in a friendly way

GitHub Link 🔗 Project Link 🔗

Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, JS, MathJax

Mini-web pages

Mini-webpage: Taller de geometría discreta y computacional

One-page website for the academic event Taller de Geometría Discreta y Computacional at the National Conference of the Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencias de la Computación

Project Link 🔗

Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap
Mini-webpage: Seminario Descartes y las matemáticas

One-page website for the academic event Seminario Descartes y las Matemáticas

Project Link 🔗

Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap
Mini-webpage: Polytopes à Paris 2019

One-page website for the academic event Polytopes à Paris 2019

Project Link 🔗

Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap

Other web pages

NekoMath Learn

A Moodle instalation for courses at Faculty of Science, UNAM

Project Link 🔗

Moodle, PHP, MathJax
VII CIIM Website

The official website of the VII Competencia Iberoamericana Interuniversitaria de Matemáticas

WordPress, HTML, CSS, FTP, SSH
Mexican Mathematical Olympiad Website

The official website of the Mexican Mathematical Olympiad

Project Link 🔗

WordPress, HTML, CSS, PHP, FTP, SSH, MathJax
El blog de Leo

A multiauthor blog for teaching undergraduate mathematics

Project Link 🔗

WordPress, HTML, CSS, PHP, FTP, SSH, MathJax
Mexico City Mathematical Olympiad Website

The official webpage for the Mathematical Olympiad of Mexico City from 2010 to 2013

HTML, CSS, lightbox, SSH

Data Science


A database with lots of information about the courses at the Faculty of Sciences, UNAM

GitHub Link 🔗

Python, request, pandas, jupyter
Sobrinos de la Tía Cony

Data visualization project for the scholars of the Mexican science funding institution Conacyt

GitHub Link 🔗 Project Link 🔗

Python, pandas, Jupyter, D3, TypeScript, Bootstrap

Python - Other

Linear Epidemic

A basic epidemic model using linear algebra

GitHub Link 🔗

Python, numpy, jupyter
Golden Cookie Clicker

Computational vision bot for automatically clicking the cookies in the game Cookie Clicker

Python, open_cv, SIFT, pyautogui, ImageGrab